Delicious Salads, Plaid Shirts, Brian Wilsons, and Bison

The first music I ever connected with, consciously, in my life, was The Beach Boys. I was in Elementary School at the time—perhaps 4th grade? Regardless, their music moved me in a way that I can’t quite capture in words. So, I showed my appreciation by making an arrangement of one of their songs.

As an adult, I can only marvel at the wonderment of Brian Wilson, and how marvelous it feels to sing something so gorgeous and perfectly crafted from top to bottom. Like nature: balanced and beautiful.

Last year, while I was on tour in Idaho/Wisconsin, I filmed a bison, as I was eating a salad by my car, in the Old Faithful parking lot of Yellowstone National Park. I posted it later that night to my Mike Vitale music page, and forgot about it.

I logged on a few days later, and was shocked to see that this silly bison video went viral. I received nearly one million views in the course of a few days. Comments. Lots of comments. Pretty wild. It seemed that most the activity around that video was fueled by vitriol… people telling me how stupid I was or how dumb the person in front of me was. You know. That sort of thing.

This video I shared with you now, doesn’t have any bison in it, as far as I can gather. It does feature me wearing a plaid shirt I regret buying.

However, I might be mistaken. Perhaps I could proclaim with some small amount of pride, that this video is in fact very much like a bison walking through a parking lot, towards a forest, only to be lost from the eyes and ears of human spectators once again, on its way to who knows where, for who knows what.

That would be whimsical—and perhaps that is the stuff that delicious salads, plaid shirts, Brian Wilsons, and bison even, are made of.



OC Weekly Write-Up on Me

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Oh shit, I'm in the newspaper, mom.

Nate Jackson with OC Weekly and OC Weekly Music, did a write up on me and it goes to press next week.  However, it was released today, online.

Here is a link to read the full article if you're interested in doing such:

The article explores my recent activities using the live streaming app Periscope to broadcast my shows from home and from gigs that I am playing around town.

I also talk about how I am using Patreon to crowdsource my music releases.  I've had a steady stream of new music releases since May of this year.  My new single No Vacancy is available everywhere you listen to music, so feel free to check it out.