Paul Simon on Creativity and Songwriting | The Subconscious Mind and Unconscious Contributions to Creativity

A while back, I had mentioned to you all that I feel that I sometimes write from the subconscious, and that I am not alone in that evaluation of my creative output. I went on to list a few artist names where I have heard or read them saying such in their own words.

And in all fairness, it is easy to say just about anything on this planet:

- I look great in this underwear.

- I'm a nice guy.

- I know what I am talking about

- I know what I am doing when I song write.

You name it. We as human beings can say anything: so it is important to cite our sources from time to time. So, as shown above: straight from the horse's mouth:

Paul Simon on Subconscious Writing: 29:44

Additionally, it is a different thing altogether though to be a student: and to not just be a student, but to realize that we are never a master. We are always the student. We have much to learn: always.

I have much to learn about songwriting, so I do research and I study. I have for years. I continue to.

I am a student. I love to learn.

We should treat each other as someone worth listening to—because I can guarantee you: no matter the individual, if you remain open, you will learn something from them: profound to the mundane.

I have a friend who's wife tells him that he is a shark.

What she means by that is, he must keep moving so that water flows through his creative gills, so that he may breath and stay alive. I understand what she means.

I too must constantly be moving, whether it is intellectually, creatively, physically, or any other type of movement you can think of, whether in the abstract sense or in the real real true true.

In one of the more poignant spots in this interview that took place in 1986, Mr. Simon talks about marketing—and how musicians primarily should be busy making music. It is unfortunate that in 2021, the trend of musicians is very much tilted towards marketing themselves. While there is nothing wrong with marketing per se, there is when it is 80% marketing and 20% self-reflection, creating, study, craft, practice, history, reading, poetry, listening, and so forth. We as artists must be mindful of this. If we do not remain mindful, we become out of balance—perhaps with ratios just described—but in other matters as well—some of which are far more detrimental, or any number of degrees proceeding such.


- 22:00 - Technique

- 22:38 - Interests and Technique

- 26:45 - 12 Notes of the Chromatic Scale

- 27:45 - Instruments and their Importance in Creativity

- 28:00 - Rhythmic Writing vs. Melodic Writing

- 29:44 - Subconscious Writing

Another book that I own that has been invaluable to me is "Songwriters on Songwriting" by Paul Zollo.

This whole interview is a blessing to watch, as is that book just mentioned. We learn from the kindness of those who share.

I have made one small addendum to this post. It is on today, Friday May 10th 2024. I just got off the phone with a person whom I admire a great deal. I was asking for his advice—his wisdom. He gave me some thoughts that were a little hard to hear—however, I can’t say that he is wrong. He could be right. It’s in regards to why my own music is not more widely embraced by a large audience. In the larger context of this post: I write music from my unconscious mind; I am deep believer in the work of Carl Gustav Jung and his research on the Unconscious: that is where I write from. This is a gift for you, my dear reader… wherever it may find you. It is a private streaming link to a song that I wrote from my unconscious mind. It’s about humanity. It’s also about me, because I am a part of humanity. It’s called “The Incredible Shrinking Brain.” It will be released this year, in 2024. To me, it is a profound song. I wrote the words very quickly (hence the Unconscious Mind aspect). My friend, whom I was having a discussion with just a moment ago, could think any number of things about it… I believe in it though… and that is what is important. Please accept it as a gift from a portion of me, that I was not conscious of, until it presented this to me, as a gift. Now, I give it to you as one:

Lots of love y'all!

I'm heading to the store to pick up some gardening supplies. (this was in the past—I remember that. I bought a pair of shears—as you can see, I time travel as well)

- Mike