Mike Vitale and Tom Bremer play guitar and sing—at the same time! (in Long Beach)

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TODAY (Wed June 20th 2018), before our circus act later in the evening—the one where we put my head in the mouth of a live tiger—Tom and I will attempt the impossible: "to sing and play guitar together, at the same time, while broadcasting on Periscope, at a Holiday Inn, in Long Beach, in the penthouse restaurant THE VUE, while reading a 1980's issue of Penthouse magazine." All of this will be performed in front of a live audience, who does not care. Come. Drink. Don't care with us, together. Because, people who don't care, together, really don't give a shit, together—with a GREAT view of Long Beach.

Here is an event invite. Don't look at it though. Okay, you can look at it:  https://www.facebook.com/events/593984740986747/

We'll be playing songs from my new album EMPTY CIRCLE. Here are links to various streamlining services and digital distribution outlets to get your feet muddy with Mike and Tom. Make sure take off your shoes before you come in the hou... damn you. Look what you just did to the carpet??!




I've been making friends with a homeless man named Mike over the past several days.  We met at the laundromat.  

He gave this pick to me as a gift this morning.

We bonded today over the fact that we both used to work at The Queen Mary in Long Beach for a while.

He is a very sweet man.  He likes to smoke pot and drink.  He keeps trying to offer me some weed.  I decline.

He offered me this guitar pick this morning, and some good conversation and I was happy to have both of those.  In actuality, this is one of my favorite types of guitar picks.  I used these for years.  The exact gauge: .73mm  Today, I am playing some music at the Holiday Inn later tonight.  I will use this pick.  Thank you so much Mike.

I hope today finds you all smiling and well.

- the other Mike