Playing Vine in Long Beach on Sunday April 6th

This is my friend Taylor.

In thinking about it, I’ve cried a whole bunch in front of her over the years. Probably enough so to make any reasonable person uncomfortable.

Life can be hard sometimes.

But it’s the friends in life that pick us up and dust us off, and send us back into the world to try again. That’s persistence. It brings us to success, eventually. Always. I believe that.

I’m stoked to be sharing a spot with her to play some music at @vine_lb in Long Beach on Sunday April 6th. It’s a free show, and I’d be happy to have you there as well, dear reader. Deeply.

4pm - Me

5pm -  Taylor Crawford

6pm - Rod Harrison

May we all be so lucky to have friends like you.

And I can’t emphasize this enough, Taylor: it was really hard for me to miss your wedding day (I’m so sorry), because nothing makes me happier than seeing my friends happy.


I am a storyteller, songwriter, singer, music producer, traveling musician, Jungian dream analyst, all-around curious fellow (Spiritual, Mathematical Historical, Scientific), Taoist, and much much more, based out of Los Angeles, California. I’m constantly releasing new music, in all sorts of different genres. You can listen to me below, on Spotify:



DUSTIN LOVELIS | Dimensions | "Idiot"

After having written that last entry Tao Te Ching and sharing Madison Cunningham with you in previous weeks, I got to thinking: I don't talk enough about all of the local music around me I admire and love. I think I will continue to write these and share, and just coin them GOOD MUSIC.

There is so much excellent art happening on the local level. There is too much—too much that goes unnoticed. It's criminal.

We all know this in our bones. We are avid supporters of local art that resonates with us.

As some of you know, I spent 5 years living in Long Beach, and I found several wonderful acts there that I cherish (and I will be sharing all of them with you): Dustin Lovelis is one of them.

He is such a unique amalgamation of influences. There is this inescapable retro quality to his music that I admire as well—you feel comfortable in it, like your favorite t-shirt, a t-shirt that is new to you, but you just bought it from a curated second hand store for $67 and you're completely comfortable with that decision because it was love at first sight—and remember? It's comfortable as all fuck.

Most of all, I resonate with the deep honesty of his music.

However you want to describe it, there is a gravity that carries the will to bring one to tears given the right opportunity: such as someone just breaking your heart, or you yourself making a mistake you regret. Dustin is providing the soundtrack for you in those times by sharing his own personal experiences—perhaps—at least in my own imagination, that is the way I interpret it.

You can find Dustin and his music on all of the streaming services, but naturally, you can truly support his work by making a purchase, like I did, here:

If you are interested in finding him online you may do so here:



I hope you enjoy the song I posted of his, up yonder. It is entitled "Idiot."

You can also learn more about him through the all powerful Google Search Engine. If you are local to southern California, catch a show of his soon. He would be full of gratitude, and you yourself will be floored by his sheer talent.

- Mike

Long Beach Show on November 21st 2019 at The Federal Bar

Psst.  I'm playing a show in Long Beach in the year of our Lord, 2019.  This just happened.  You're the first to know (okay, really you were the second—my PATREON backers were first).  I'm excited!


It'll be free.  We ARE going to ask for donations as my friend Leanna is in town on tour from Bali playing with her new music duo Bullet and Cass; we'll just be passing around a jar—you don't have to contribute if you can't.  

My Long Beach friend and national treasure, Taylor Crawford set up this wonderful event for us at a very cool speak easy type room in The Federal Bar in downtown Long Beach called The Parlour Room.  It will be a listening audience and I would love to have all my Long Beach friends there if ye be willing to attend. 

In addition, I will try to get my compatriot in crime and all things good music, Tom Bremer, to join me on acoustic guitfiddle that night.

The Lineup:

Taylor Crawford - 8pm

Bullet and Cass - 9pm

Mike Vitale - 10pm

Like I bu beba say ba—it's a free show.  Invite some friends.  I promise to speak better English, and play some mediocre music.  Never mind.  I'll speak poorly and play some fucking great music.  Sound good?  I guess we'll find out, together, on November 21st.  As you can see by that last sentence, I just RSVP'd you. Does that mean you’re not coming now? Don’t be mad. I was just foolin’ ‘bout.

Latchkey Kid (Live at Studio 333) PREVIEW and RELEASE SHOW TOMORROW!

I’m very excited to be releasing a new live video next week on all my social media: Youtube, Facebook, and so forth. Here is a sample of it. It’s a song off of my self titled EP from 2014, called “Latchkey Kid.” We tracked this song live at Studio 333 in Cerritos, CA on January 17th 2019. It features Frank Reina on drums, Tom Bremer on guitar, and Paul Jones on bass. We are going to be celebrating the release of this video tomorrow night (FEB 27th 2019) in Long Beach at The Wine Bar on Ocean Ave. if you feel like coming out to support; music starts at 7pm. There is no cover; it’s a free show. I’m honored to have my friends Alyssandra Nighswonger, Honest Horse and Taylor Crawford joining me to share their beautiful music. We would be stoked to have you there, and I would adore the opportunity to see some friends in the area if it’s in the cards. Thank you to Monika Lightstone for making this video with me. You are amazing and I am thankful to have you as a friend. Thanks to Ryan Lipman for the lovely mix.

Record Store Day Performance - Youtube

Here is a live video of me performing my song TIME MACHINE in Long Beach, CA.  This was an In-Store performance on Record Store Day, April 21st 2018, at Dyzzy on Vinyl.

If you dig it, please help me share the video!  Thanks to our very own Megan from here on Patreon, for capturing the footage and sharing it!  

If you dig this, you can find more by visiting my Youtube Channel here:

Mike Vitale and Tom Bremer play guitar and sing—at the same time! (in Long Beach)

Mike Vitale 8659.JPG

TODAY (Wed June 20th 2018), before our circus act later in the evening—the one where we put my head in the mouth of a live tiger—Tom and I will attempt the impossible: "to sing and play guitar together, at the same time, while broadcasting on Periscope, at a Holiday Inn, in Long Beach, in the penthouse restaurant THE VUE, while reading a 1980's issue of Penthouse magazine." All of this will be performed in front of a live audience, who does not care. Come. Drink. Don't care with us, together. Because, people who don't care, together, really don't give a shit, together—with a GREAT view of Long Beach.

Here is an event invite. Don't look at it though. Okay, you can look at it:

We'll be playing songs from my new album EMPTY CIRCLE. Here are links to various streamlining services and digital distribution outlets to get your feet muddy with Mike and Tom. Make sure take off your shoes before you come in the hou... damn you. Look what you just did to the carpet??!


I am playing a solo acoustic show celebrating the release of my new full length acoustic duo album entitled EMPTY CIRCLE

This is the third year in a row that I have played this particular backyard, and let me tell you: it's a good time and I would be honored to have you there.  Yes you.  You reading this. Here is the skinny:



Saturday June 2nd 2018


305 Nieto Ave. Long Beach, CA

$10 suggested donation.  Music starts at 5pm.

All ages welcome and you will be surrounded by wonderful people there who are kind and polite and have a great sense of humor, so please do not feel as if you would not be welcome.  You will be, with open arms.  Trust me on that.

Here is a write up that the Long Beach Independent did to advertise for the show June 2nd 2018:

If you are interested in checking out the new acoustic album, it is available for purchase and streaming at these fine online locations:

Long Beach Independent

I recently had the opportunity get some press for my new  acousitc album EMPTY CIRCLE by the Long Beach Independent.  Here is a link to checkout the article below.  Thank you kindly to Jewell for the interview!

In-Store performance at Dyzzy on Vynyl in Long Beach - April 21st 2018


For any friends, acquaintances, and fans in the area: I will be playing an In-Store performance at Dyzzy on Vynyl in Long Beach, on April 21st 2018. That day is Record Store Day, and it's also my birthday. 

In observance of record store day, and to feed your own heart and soul, please go out and buy records from your local retail store, such as Dyzzy on Vinyl, or Fingerprints, or Amoeba Records, and any of the thousands of other brick and mortar locations that sell music on vinyl. That would mean a great deal to me, and I think it would mean a great deal to them as well.

I am going to be 39 years old on Saturday and I am so happy, thankful, and blessed to be alive and to be playing music with Bearcoon and Dustin Robinson - Music on Saturday. It's a gift in and of itself. Thanks y'all.

To learn more about the event, you can find info on Facebook, here:

Dyzzy on Vynyl is located at 3004 E. 7th Street in Long Beach, CA.  Beacon will be performing at 2pm, Dustin Robinson at 3pm, and myself at 4pm.  Feel free to reach out below in the comments if you have any questions!  The show is free and open to the public.

In Store Performance at Fingerprint's in Long Beach

I'm going to be playing three or four songs tonight for the Summer and Music Press Release at Fingerprints in Long Beach.

Joining me this evening will be The Pawnshop Kings and De Lux playing an In-Store performance at 7pm.