Humans have a stellar track record of being both absent and horrid to one another. We take advantage of those with less. We treat others as inferiors. Hurt people, they hurt people.
We criticize the intelligence of those who disagree with our own notions of what it is to be human, alive, and unique. We incite. We cross boundaries.
Discrimination, which then leads to Reverse-Discrimination.
Slavery. Coal Mines. Company Stores. We use. We exploit natural resources, and people alike.
Bigoted. Arrogant. Prejudice.
Creed is unique from religious belief. It is the public and outspoken form of religious belief. Often times, also crossing boundaries. Inciting war.
For such a young species, we know so little in the broader scheme of existence—and we exercise our limited knowledge with certainty, regardless.
We need humility. What I know is dwarfed by that which I don't know.
What am I advocating for?
For each and every one of us to be present and in the moment as often as possible, and in order to achieve that, we all must know ourselves, and in order to know ourselves, we must work inward from our Ego, to our true Self. Carl Gustav Jung called it Individuation. Taoists call it, The Way. I call it a lifetime of work and effort to be the best version of myself. Authentic, confident, positive, receptive, patient, open-minded, and kind. That starts with you and me and everyone on an individual basis, and there is no mastery. There is just trying to be present.
"Anger and hatred are caustic to the vessel in which it's stored, far more than to anything on which it's poured."
If you don't know why you are so angry and why you hate—you can know. It is a matter of truly searching the inner world of you. I have done so myself, and I have spent tremendous amounts of time by myself, exercising these very notions, and writing these very songs.
That is why the first verse of this tune is a criticism of me. I will start with me. The rest of the song is about society, for which I am a part of too.
I am pointing out an issue I see in society and me. I am also providing a solution, as well as a song to shake your ass to.
I find happiness in making art and connecting with people and telling stories and traveling the country. Writing these songs. They are an inner journey. Those who create, know what I mean. It is profound. I want and wish for all people to experience what I have in my lifetimes as a creator.
I care about us. I care about you. I care about how we treat each other, and how we mistreat each other. Most importantly, I want to see change in my lifetime.
What is the change? People that are happy.
You don't find happiness or God or Self in material goods and wealth. Jesus actually preached that very notion as well, and I agree (and I'm not Christian). You find happiness within, by searching for it and listening to your inner voice. That in itself is a journey and I wish you well traveler.
Happiness is also fleeting and is never constant. It must be that way or else you would have nothing to compare it against.
When you find happiness, the light and true purpose inside of you: you are present often, and you radiate this for all to see.
I found a great deal of happiness on the road the past few years. It made the release of singles, difficult however. Tonight, I am trying again, because it makes me happy. Thank you for listening and reading. I am thankful.
released September 13th 2024
Vocals, Rhythm Electric Guitar, Synthesizers, Moog Mini, Fender Rhodes Piano, Mellotron: Mike Vitale
Drums: Tamir Barzilay
Bass: Paul Jones
Electric Guitar: Molly Miller
Produced by Mike Vitale
Engineered by Mike Vitale, Tamir Barzilay, Paul Jones, and Molly Miller
Mixed by Ryan Lipman
Mastered by Mark Alan Miller
You can listen to this on your favorite streaming service, by following this link:
I am a storyteller, songwriter, singer, music producer, traveling musician, Jungian dream analyst, all-around curious fellow (Spiritual, Mathematical Historical, Scientific), Taoist, and much much more, based out of Los Angeles, California. I’m constantly releasing new music, in all sorts of different genres. You can listen to me below, on Spotify: