I have been playing the same Martin D3-R guitar since 1996 or 1997. It’s my ride or die. It’s an inanimate object, my best friend, and my wife. I love this guitar more than I love most anything else in this life. I have nearly worn a hole into the soundboard playing it so much. I first saw it in a guitar shop in the Central Valley of California at a local Ma and Pa music shop. It didn’t look like an expensive six-string guitar; it looked like a million songs to me. I didn’t quite reach that mark, but, I’ve written more tunes on this guitar and seen more stages playing it than I can ever count. It has traveled with me on nearly every tour save for one a last year, where it was being repaired by my friend Greg Coates.
It’s getting old though, geriatric even. It needs some serious TLC from a guitar repair person, and my tour schedule is not slowing down anytime soon, in fact, it is only increasing in intensity—and the repairs required for my acoustic will take months to get to from a Martin Certified Repair Person. The white binding along the body that holds the sound board and back to the rest of the body, is coming loose. Quite literally, the front and back of the guitar will come off unless I get it repaired after this tour. It will take approximately 3 months to 6 months to get it repaired under warranty from Martin, and I leave for tour again at the end of September.
I am reaching out to friends, family, and fans for help purchasing a new Steel String Acoustic Guitar, that’ll last me another 30 years of playing.
In the past three days, I have raised $520 from all over the United States. I can’t thank you enough for this. I have the lofty goal of $4,000, however, I am trying my best to get myself into a guitar that is a work of art and helps me to feel like an artist and creator. I have been eyeing some Collings Guitars for a number of years. They are handcrafted, and worth every bit of what they cost. They are based out of Austin, Texas and well worth the investment.
I want to be in love with this guitar. I want to write a thousand songs on it that help to make this world a little better than how I found it. I want to write some songs on this guitar that will shake some asses and propagate all the good vibes of a righteous good time.
Anyone who donates or pledges money, will receive a download of my new album DESERT DOGS, which is being released to streaming services one single at a time, into 2024.
Here is a link to donate money.
I promise to send a download link as soon as possible. I am on the road right now. I’m currently in North Carolina, playing my second show in Greensboro, tonight. As soon as I have my laptop in front of me, I will send a download code.