Good Morning

I try my best to go on these morning walks.

Sometimes I just think. Sometimes I listen to music. Sometimes I write. Sometimes I listen to podcasts and audio books or whatever else seems nourishing.

This morning I was listening to an idea that John Archibald Wheeler, theoretical physicist, had in regard to The Universe.

Him and several other Physicists saw that we are active participants in what we perceive as reality. The Universe is dreaming us up, just as we are dreaming up our own existence by everything we say, think, touch, and feel.

I like this idea. It is the basis of Quantum Theories and the computers being built right now with qubits. Possibilities. Infinite possibilities. A cloud of possibilities with one manifestation at the present moment, determined by the duality of these two dreamers, dreaming at the same time with each other.

But in real world terms, it can be as simple as saying good morning to the person you pass by on a morning walk, or as complicated as believing you can make a difference in this world. You do regardless.

Think about it. And Good Morning by the way.


I am a storyteller, songwriter, singer, music producer, traveling musician, Jungian dream analyst, all-around curious fellow (Spiritual, Mathematical Historical, Scientific), Taoist, and much much more, based out of Los Angeles, California. I’m constantly releasing new music, in all sorts of different genres. You can listen to me below, on Spotify:



You're Gonna Live Forever in Me | John Mayer

I love the sentiment of this song. It’s beautiful. It made me cry the first time I heard it. John has grown into such a wonderful songwriter. He’s always been special, but he only grows to new boundaries with every album he releases. May this trend continue as we grow old, together, in the same lifetime.

He starts with the Macro, and as the song progresses, into the Micro of Human Relationships.

It’s a stunning piece of work. If you are unfamiliar with the song, I highly recommend listening to it. He performed it on piano, but I have a deep fascination with adapting piano songs to guitar, so I did that with it.

Most importantly: we are animal, living symbiotically on a planet in orbit around a sun, which is one of a billion solar systems, orbiting around a super massive black hole, which is one of a trillion of other galaxies, in a rapidly expanding Universe. We are all part of that—and perhaps that is what so many religions describe in their sacred texts—simply asking or maybe urging: treat others the way you would want to be treated yourself, because we are all a small piece of the same thing, and we live eternally inside that. Forever and ever. Amen.


words and music by John Mayer

A great big bang and dinosaurs
Fiery raining meteors
It all ends unfortunately
But you're gonna live forever in me
I guarantee, just wait and see

Parts of me were made by you
And planets keep their distance too
The moon's got a grip on the sea
And you're gonna live forever in me
I guarantee, it's your destiny

Life is full of sweet mistakes
And love's an honest one to make
Time leaves no fruit on the tree
But you're gonna live forever in me
I guarantee, it's just meant to be

And when the pastor asks the pews
For reasons he can't marry you
I'll keep my word and my seat
But you're gonna live forever in me
I guarantee, just wait and see


I am a storyteller, singer, songwriter, music producer, traveling musician, Jungian dream analyst, all-around curious fellow (Spiritual, Mathematical Historical, Scientific), Taoist, and much much more, based out of Los Angeles, California. I’m constantly releasing new music, in all sorts of different genres. You can listen to me below, on Spotify:



"Infinite Jest" | Mike Vitale (Original)

Faith is a curious creature, who even when roaming the confines of a dictionary, grazes on the delights of strange words:

Learn to pronounce
noun: faith
complete trust or confidence in someone or something.
"this restores one's faith in politicians"
strong belief in God or in the doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual apprehension rather than proof.

I have had times in my life where I have lacked faith, and yet others where the fruits of faith were in overabundance for harvest. 

There is so much that we feel in this world... versus say, think in this world—and the grey area between those two opposing forces of dichotomy seems to be where this creature dwells, grazing on those strange delights of words I was mentioning earlier—perhaps, waiting to be noticed, so that another may appear, just like it—like the spooky action at a distance that Einstein talked about in 1947. 

Something like quantum entanglement in the realm of particles and quantum mechanics is so incredible to behold, but it doesn't mean we understand how it works. 

We instead just might observe a photon lighting up, and find another just like it, identically lighting up at exactly the same time, in an opposite place in the universe (which we have, and continue to). We build computers using these discoveries, yet we are no closer to understanding how something can be a hazy cloud, until it is observed. I know all of this sounds like nonsense, but it is what quantum mechanics is trying to make sense of, at the moment. We have people postulating that we all live inside a holographic projection, right now, in an effort to find a unifying theory for everything. It's called The Holographic Principle.

I don't know where to begin trying to understand things as wacky, intangible, and deep as this—but then again, maybe that's the reason why its this convoluted in the first place. Who knows for sure? Not me. But, I can write a song about it.

Infinite Jest
words and music by Mike Vitale

Maybe God gave the punchline
And we were too young to interpret the meaning
Or maybe we’re all just a comedy of errors
And so on and on logic wrestles with feeling

Universe, are we all alone
in an endless space full of human abstraction?
The chills running up and down my spine 
A conversation, or just a chemical reaction?
And if God already tipped its hat and gave its last regard
With infinite jest and a question written in the stars

Who here thinks God’s got a sense of humor?
Maybe one day it’ll raise your hand
Despite what you’ve read between wonderment and rumor
Our only sacrament is our ability to understand

Universe, are we all alone
in an endless space full of human abstraction?
The chills running up and down my spine 
A conversation, or just a chemical reaction?
And if God already tipped its hat and gave its last regard
With infinite jest and a question written in the stars

The chicken from the egg?
Or the egg from the chicken?
We take it all so serious with our scientific method
If we could learn to laugh with egg on our face rather than be angry, indifferent, and tepid

and mixed up somewhere between particles and strings and the king of kings...
We might find an answer
Or maybe God just speaks in stones and trees and the bones of things like an exotic dancer

Universe, are we all alone
in an endless space full of human abstraction?
The chills running up and down my spine 
A conversation, or just a chemical reaction?
And if God already tipped its hat and gave its last regard
With infinite jest and a question written in the stars
With infinite jest and a question written in the stars
With infinite jest and a question written in the stars

Thanks to everyone on Patreon for helping me to make music videos, and to record, mix, and master music all the music I've been posting to Spotify, Apple Music, and all the streaming services. I'm very grateful.

If you are interested in being a part of it, you can learn more here:

A very special thanks to patrons Amy Armitage and Fernando Gallegos.