Home Life
This song took on a special meaning for me recently. It was my favorite song on an album called “Heavier Things,” by John Mayer. The song is called Home Life.
The chorus of the song, he speaks of wanting to live in the Center of a Circle: that is a Monad.
He also speaks of wanting to live on the side of a square: that is referring to the Golden Ratio and φ. You will see this if you look at the Symbol of a golden ratio which has been used for years by both artists and mathematicians. It is the mathematical ratio for an infinite spiral, arrived at my the Fibonacci Sequence and The Ratio, Phi. It is an infinite set of numbers, like Pi, which deals with circles, and leads back to the Monad.
Both are symbols: The Monad and The Golden Ratio. John may have done this on purpose. He may have done it unconsciously as well. I would like to ask him myself in person one day.
I am a storyteller, songwriter, singer, music producer, traveling musician, Jungian dream analyst, all-around curious fellow (Spiritual, Mathematical Historical, Scientific), Taoist, and much much more, based out of Los Angeles, California. I’m constantly releasing new music, in all sorts of different genres. You can listen to me below, on Spotify: