Time Machine (Live in 2025) Streaming February 14th 2025

Music is an art form that I will never master. There is just too much to learn.

That’s what I like about it though. I want it to be an endless bevy of secret sweet gifts, for as long as I can sing and play and hear.

I’ve recorded several versions of this song. There has always been a person between myself and the final version. This is the first time I have ever been able to be proud of the the performance, and the engineering, and the mixing, and the mastering. I first got Pro-Tools around 2005. I’m on Logic now, and it’s been twenty years of teaching myself how to do all of these things.

I’m getting older, and I’m smiling as I’m saying it. I like getting older.

I grow a little softer every year. Less sharp edges to me. I’ve learned a lot from trying my ass off to learn as much as I can, while I’m here on this organic space vessel we call Earth.

At any rate, I’m releasing the audio to all the streaming services on Valentine’s Day, Feb 14th 2025.

In the meanwhile, it's available to listen to on YouTube:


I am a storyteller, songwriter, singer, music producer, traveling musician, Jungian dream analyst, all-around curious fellow (Spiritual, Mathematical Historical, Scientific), Taoist, and much much more, based out of Los Angeles, California. I’m constantly releasing new music, in all sorts of different genres. You can listen to me below, on Spotify:



Empty Circle by Mike Vitale

Leave it to me to forget to post this song, the day before the next single comes out.

This is the third of five singles I will be releasing consecutively, leading up the release of my full LP called ϕ

Empty Circle is one of my favorite songs on the album. It was written in retrospect to a particularly difficult portion of my life. Hindsight is 20/20, some people say. There is a deep well of truth to that notion—yet, there is also a particularly poignant lack of definitive answers to any questions we ask the mysterious 8-ball of life, or ourselves for that matter. We oscillate within the frequency of our own convictions and heart. Ever changing—sometimes instantaneously—sometimes on the plank of our own decisions at sword point on a villainous vessel of plight and circumstance.

We also just blow things out of proportion sometimes—like a balloon that doesn't quite know its own limitations—or like something just full of hot air.

It's our own reflection on the matter in hindsight, that lets us file these memories with some sort of archaic Dewey Decimal System for later study in the annals of our own life. Perhaps we can work hard to find meaning and improvement and personal growth in the library of our human experience—or we can chatter away with whomever, while the librarian inside our skull exclaims with a shoosh that we are far too loud in a sacred place of study.

Just like the little boy protagonist in this song, lost in the woods: I saw my own footprints in the snow, and became excited—only to discover that the trail of footprints were in fact, my own—I was walking in a giant circle, truly lost, cold, and all alone.

This one is called Empty Circle. You can listen to it on your favorite streaming service, here:


As a small side note: thank you to all the wonderful people who find meaning in the tune, and have been adding it to their playlists on Spotify and so forth. I am humbled with appreciation for the gesture of sharing. I balled my eyes out writing this song. May someone find comfort in it knowing they too are not alone.

Younger Days by Mike Vitale

While I am certainly not an old man, I do remember when phones were still attached to walls, and when they were dialed by rotary.

My grandparents went from the bold new innovation of electricity and radio on a rural farm in California—to watching astronauts landing on the moon on a television from a house in Tulare.

I remember when my parents gave my grandparents a VCR for Christmas. The clock would be blinking 12:00, 12:00, 12:00. I would wonder why my grandparents never set the clock to the actual time of day it was.

I understand why, now, at 42 years old.

The world keeps moving, and changing, any a rate that I hardly feel I can keep up with—and people are no different as well. We are walking contradictions in that sense. We stay the same—yet, we also do not. Slowly changing, yet rapidly aging.

I had a person give me the advice once, to be the best version of myself. I suppose, as a turn of phrase, it politely takes into account that we are "ever changing like the shifting continents"—and with each passing day, I do feel that I am growing older and older at an exponential rate. Time, perceptibly, seems to be moving faster—and I change quite slowly—perhaps imperceptibly to myself and everyone else around me, until I catch up with a person I have not seen in 15 or 20 years, or look into a mirror and notice grey hair in my beard and hair.

I know for certain that I am not the same man I was 20 years ago. I am all the better for that. I also feel that wading in the waters of the past has its short comings, when the future is as optimistic as we make it.

This is called YOUNGER DAYS. It is now available on Spotify and Apple Music and all the other streaming platforms you fancy. Find it here or by clicking the album cover image above: https://sng.to/mikevitale/younger-days

Do something nice today. Reach out to a friend and say hi and tell them that you love them.

Thanks for listening!


Time Machine by Mike Vitale

Last week's single "Time Machine" is now available on Spotify and Apple Music as of August 17th 2021, as well as all the other popular (and not so popular) streaming services.

Here is a link to find it on your favorite of that variety:


- Mike

ϕ by Mike Vitale | Digital Release of Full Album on September 21st 2021

Hey Friends, I'm proud to announce that my new album will be released to all the digital streaming platforms this summer on Tuesday September 21st 2021. The album is called ϕ (phi).

If you are a Spotify user, here is a pre-save link for the new album. Supposedly, having people pre-save the album and the singles, is very helpful for getting onto Spotify playlists, which would be a boon to its reach to new ears, so to speak—so I would be honored to have you do that, should your kind heart be so inclined:


Here is the official release schedule for every single as well as the titles being released as singles.

Tuesday August 17th 2021 - TIME MACHINE

Tuesday August 24th 2021 - YOUNGER DAYS

Tuesday August 31st 2021 - EMPTY CIRCLE

Tuesday September 7th 2021 - HOME

Tuesday September 14th 2021 - GONE

Tuesday September 21st 2021 - ϕ (phi - FULL ALBUM)

SUNDAY September 26th 2021 - FULL BAND ALBUM RELEASE SHOW at Alex's Bar in Long Beach, CA at 8pm (more details coming soon—this is bonus info for the folks kind enough to read this far into my post; thank you for caring and for loving and supporting me).

New Single NO VACANCY released today!

Hey Everyone,

I just released a new full band single today called "No Vacancy."

Here is a link to find the song on your favorite listening platform:


It is available everywhere.  You name it.  You can listen to it there.


For your convenience, you can also just visit my NEW SINGLE page here on this website:


You can also click the album cover and it will take you to a landing page for several of the popular haunts to listen to new music (i.e. Spotify, Apple Music, etc).

Thank you to Frank Reina, Brad Cummings, Tom Bremer, Scott Dibble, Ryan Lipman, and Mark Chalecki for making art with me.

THANK YOU to everyone on Patreon for your help in releasing this new material.  I mean this with all my heart:  I can't do it without you (I tried).  This is working: what we are dong together.  I am more prolific as an artist than I have been in years because of your financial help. I have been releasing something constant and consistent every month since May 2018, because of you.

I want to take a second to thank all of these individuals especially for their continued contributions and help:  Erik Gomez, Amy Armitage, Fernando Gallegos, Heather Renz, Brandi, Bob Emerson, Joshua Jon Day, Carey Brown, and Tim Grobaty.

If you like this song, thank you.  It came from my heart.  It is my life.



New Single NO VACANCY on Tuesday July 31st 2018

Artwork by Joshua Jon Day and Mike Vitale

Artwork by Joshua Jon Day and Mike Vitale

I'd say I'm dropping new music—but it's more like a drip—from a broken water faucet. 

I'm releasing a new full band single called NO VACANCY on Tuesday July 31st 2018.  It will be available for streaming as well as digital purchase that day on all your favorite music streaming haunts: Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon, Google Play, Youtube, Soundcloud, iHeartRadio, etc.  AND if you are a really amazing person who still buys music (bless your heart) you will be able to purchase it as well on iTunes, Bandcamp, Google Play, Amazon, and every other digital retail location that is known to man.

In all honesty, this is one of my favorite songs that I have written and produced with friends.  It turned out really lovely and I am so very thankful to have had such a wonderful cast of musicians who helped to flesh out the arrangement:  Frank Reina on drums, Brad Cummings on bass, Scott Dibble on rhodes piano, and Tom Bremer on electric guitar.  A song is only as good as the people you have playing on it and I am very fortunate to be surrounded by all these beasts of badassery.

The song was mixed by Ryan Lipman and mastered by Mark Chalecki.  Thank you guys for making this sound so beautiful and pristine.  I am in awe of your talent.

Artwork was done by myself and my friend Joshua Jon Day.  I took the photograph and he helped me fashion a fabulous album cover out of it.  I really find these old neon signs to be so beautiful.

I make no allusions of being a phenom when it comes to new releases.  I cross my fingers that songs will connect with people and they will share.  This song is no exception.  However, I do try to do my part to find avenues of exposure for songs such as this.  Spotify recently started a submission process for playlists on unreleased songs, and I submitted this tune for their consideration.  Keep your fingers crossed that the curators find something to like in this song and select it for many a playlist.

Most importantly, thank you to everyone on Patreon who helps me to release this new material.  I mean this with all my heart:  I can't do it without you (I tried).  This is working: what we are dong together.  I am more prolific as an artist than I have been in years because of your financial help.  I want to take a second to thank all of these individuals especially for their continued contributions and help:  Erik Gomez, Amy Armitage, Heather Renz, Brandi, Bob Emerson, Joshua Jon Day, Carey Brown, and Tim Grobaty.

My deep and sincere gratitude for letting me do what I love to do: make music and play it.

EMPTY CIRCLE is now available on Spotify

My sense of humor had been cryogenically frozen along with Walt Disney's head.  THE GOOD NEWS: It just thawed out and it's building a theme park, being crowd sourced by Spotify royalties.  Think a cross between Dollywood and Disneyland.  Help us name the theme park in the comments below.

To open directly in Spotify App:


To use a browser to open the link:


Thank you for listening!  

Fool For You (Live at Studio-333) on Spotify and Apple Music

Thank you to everyone who has been so kind and encouraging and who have requested for this live Youtube video to be on streaming music sites such as Spotify and Apple Music.  I just uploaded the song today, so it should be available for streaming and purchase within the next few days on all major digital distribution outlets:

This video was WAY more work than I had originally anticipated.  I mixed this myself.  I know, it sounds simple.  It's not—not if you're a perfectionist.  I am a perfectionist.  Which doesn't mean I got it perfect; it means I begrudgingly stopped working on it and that I read two books on the subject and that I spent 2 months working on it obsessively and that I did about 46 mixes of it.  I will never be happy with what I did here, I fear (in the mixing department).

I AM thrilled about all the people who helped me to make this and I am thrilled that a song like this came out of me.  It is one of the most popular tunes I have ever written.

4th Street Productions in Long Beach filmed the video.  I can not thank you enough Damian.  You are truly an artist.  It was filmed live as we tracked the song live.

I am thrilled that I performed this with three other musicians who I feel are some of the best players on the planet:  Frank Reina. Brad Cummings, and Tom Bremer.  You guys are my musical brothers.  Also, thank you to Ryan Lipman for mastering this mix of mine.


I am thrilled that Alfredo Cristinziano provided the cover art for this song.  Here it is.  You can find him on Instagram here:  @alfredoziano

A lot of his work is very sexy.  Be prepared for sexy.

Most of all, let me come around full circle and thank anyone and everyone for finding something to like in this and to those, who will, and are listening to it.

In so many way, you all remind me of a time where I would make something and then hope that my parents would proudly display it on the refrigerator.  I am so thankful for the magnet between your ears if you are proudly displaying it on your refrigerator right now.  God bless.

With Love,




Running Away From Home

I was recently reminded of this time I ran away from home because I wanted to be a werewolf after watching Teen Wolf with Michael J. Fox..  Dead serious folks, I wanted to be a runaway werewolf so bad, and the runaway part was not even in the movie: that was my special addition to the special edition—my parents hated it.


We—well, you see (*sigh*), I dragged my poor friend Brandon along for the ride—and long story short, that was the end of our friendship by the power invested in his mom and dad.  Yeah.  

If it makes you feel any better about it, I tried to pack accordingly.  I emptied out my binder, my Mead folders, text books, pens and pencils all over the floor of my closet (so as to not attract suspicion from the parental units) and stuffed a big blanket in my backpack.  I think I might have managed to cram an orange and a few bananas in the remaining space available, perhaps a loaf of bread and some lunch meat.  But, definitely had that blanket. Being warm is very important, you see.  It was 4A.M. or so when I woke up and prepared to flee the safety of my mother and father’s sanctuary; I’m sure I wasn’t thinking straight.  I was probably banking on a hunter/gatherer mentality for future nourishment.  

So, how did this all play out?  Brandon and I nearly made it to the outskirts of Visalia before a police officer found us.  He was so polite!  Brandon and I were tired of walking, not to mention hungry, and the officer offered us a ride home.  I am guesstimating that I was around 8 years old at that time. 

I’m not quite sure what I liked about Teen Wolf so much.  All I know is that I watched it over and over and over again.  I embraced all the finer details of the main character’s woes and let them parallel my own, tracing the movies subtleties until I had a self-portrait that was near perfect if not half-shabby for a kid still in the single-digit age bracket.  I felt like there was something deep down inside of me that made me special and different from everyone else.  Is this the heart of a child?  Hell, I’m pretty sure is this the heart of an adult.  Then again it’s probably just part of being human.  Maybe I just really dug Michael J. Fox.  Teen Wolf was hot off the heals of Back to the Future—but, in all fairness, as much as I couldn’t get enough of that 1980's goodness, you didn’t see me slipping off toilet seats and careening into bathroom sinks while trying to hang a clock, just to invent the flux capacitor.  Sounds dangerous and ridiculous.  Nope, I stuck to the far more plausible and credible realm of teenage lycanthropy.

I started beefing up on my knowledge of werewolves, seeking out the most renowned, accredited, and trusted sources of literature regarding the subject: Scholastic Children Publications.  I tried with the zeal of a true Michael J. Fox Teen Wolf believer to turn myself into a werewolf so that I could be just like him.  I recall, specifically, from this Scholastic publication, mention of ancient folklore that suggested drinking the muddy water of a werewolf footprint could change me (a dog print was the closest thing I could find, and it didn’t do dick).  Another method is the age-old tradition found in countless macabre fiction and Hollywood classics that involve werewolves: get mauled by one.  Unfortunately, there were no werewolves handy (as they don’t exist) and I knew that, so I let my imagination do the writing at that point and convinced Brandon that what we needed was over the hills, far off in the distant Sequoia National Forest.  There, we would find werewolves, or at worst case, wolves.  I’d absolutely love to revisit that conversation with Brandon, now, as an adult spectator:

Brandon:  “So let me get this straight.  There are werewolves over those mountains there?”

Me:  Uh, yeah.  Where else would a werewolf be?  Do you see any werewolves here in Visalia?

Brandon:  Huh.  Yeah I guess so.  Cool!

Brandon must have found something in my absolute certainty agreeable and set out with me, early the next morning, for those distant mountains.  The same ones that make Visalia such a popular tourist pitstop in lieu of their quest for California wildlife.  

We traveled almost exclusively through several canals that run through the city, below surface streets—I knew, deep down, that people would be looking for us.  After all, it was a school day, and our seats were empty in that second grade classroom.

We made a couple of pits stops.  We crawled out of the canal, at one point, to rest in a park that would later be a haven for my high school friends and I to smoke illicit substances, talk about life, ruminate on religion, discuss music and art, contemplate the opposite sex, and brainstorm on how to acquire a keg of beer for the night: you know, Teen Wolf kinds of stuff.  Go figure.

Brandon and I resumed our journey through the undercurrent of Visalia’s aqueducts, only to eventually collect at a large tunnel covered by steel grating.  We ended up climbing out of the channel and over a fence and emerging on the busy thoroughfare of Lovers Lane.  A squad car slowly crept up next to us.  The passenger-side window rolled down slowly revealing a smiling officer in sun glasses: “Hey fellas!”  He was curious as to where we were heading.  I informed him that we were heading for the mountains.  He replied, “That’s a long ways a way, guys.  Are you sure you don’t want a ride?”  How could we turn that down?  We hopped into the squad car.  We were pumped!  Neither of us had ever seen the inside of one before.  I am happy to say that I think that was my first and last ride in a police car, as far as I can recall.  Let me ruminate on that last assertion for a little longer though; I could be wrong.


This blog became a song.  I wrote it as a Christmas gift to my mom and dad a few years ago.  It's be latest single.  It's called "Running Away From Home."

It's available on Spotify, Apple Music, Soundcloud and all other digital streaming services right now, if you want to hear it:



New Single Available on July 20th 2017

Running Away From Home by Mike Vitale 

TOP LEFT: Mike Vitale and Matthew James Vitale. TOP RIGHT:  Mike Vitale.  BOTTOM RIGHT:  Donna Vitale and Mike Vitale


Did I ever tell you about that time I ran away from home when I was in second grade, because I wanted to be a werewolf?  

Well, the single for "Running Away From Home" is being released tomorrow (July 20th 2017) on all major digital distribution sites including iTunes, Amazon, Etc.  It is also available to stream on all major streaming services including Spotify, Apple Music, Tidal, Pandora, and so forth.

I'm very proud of how the song turned out and I have a wealth of wonderful musicians who made this track what it is.  Thank you to Frank Reina for his drumming and engineering skills on the kit, Brad Cummings for his work on the bass, and to Tom Bremer for his country guitar chops.  Holy shit: you guys knocked it out of the park.  Also, thank you to Chris Karn for such a great mix.

This has been a long time in the making and I would be thrilled if you all help me spread the word to friends and family if you like the song.  I have two more singles that I just wrapped up the mixes on today: No Vacancy and The Needle of the Human Race.  As always, thank you so very much for your continued enthusiasm and support and for being a part of this journey of mine.  It is so deeply appreciated and I am humbled to have your attention.