Dune, Absurd Dating Advice, and Paypal


How to get all the ladies:

Step 1:  Strike up conversation about the book Dune.  

How to not get frustrated being on hold with Paypal due to fraudulent account activity:

Step 1: Write non-detailed blogs regarding absurd dating advice while being on hold for two hours in order to redirect your attention to something other than your frustration with someone hacking into your Paypal account and reeking havoc on other people's lives (namely mine)—not to mention being on hold for an absurd amount of time with Paypal.

On-Hold Music:

"With Paypal you can send money from your checking, savings, and..."

"Did you know you can get 2% cash back..."

"Did you know you can now complete your purchases with one click..."

I hope that your morning is far more exciting than mine.

New Single NO VACANCY released today!

Hey Everyone,

I just released a new full band single today called "No Vacancy."

Here is a link to find the song on your favorite listening platform:


It is available everywhere.  You name it.  You can listen to it there.


For your convenience, you can also just visit my NEW SINGLE page here on this website:


You can also click the album cover and it will take you to a landing page for several of the popular haunts to listen to new music (i.e. Spotify, Apple Music, etc).

Thank you to Frank Reina, Brad Cummings, Tom Bremer, Scott Dibble, Ryan Lipman, and Mark Chalecki for making art with me.

THANK YOU to everyone on Patreon for your help in releasing this new material.  I mean this with all my heart:  I can't do it without you (I tried).  This is working: what we are dong together.  I am more prolific as an artist than I have been in years because of your financial help. I have been releasing something constant and consistent every month since May 2018, because of you.

I want to take a second to thank all of these individuals especially for their continued contributions and help:  Erik Gomez, Amy Armitage, Fernando Gallegos, Heather Renz, Brandi, Bob Emerson, Joshua Jon Day, Carey Brown, and Tim Grobaty.

If you like this song, thank you.  It came from my heart.  It is my life.



Periscope Schedule

Don't let the title fool you. This post has nothing to do with my Periscope live stream schedule for the next three days:

Friday July 27th 2018 - Parker's Lighthouse in Long Beach - 6pm to 9pm

Saturday July 28th 2018 - Lil' Simmzy's in El Segundo - 5:30pm to 8:30pm

Sunday July 29th 2018 - Sol Cocina in Newport Beach - 12pm to 3pm.


Nope. Let's talk about me doing pushups.

That's right. I do pushups. Now you may be asking yourself, self, why is Mike doing pushups?  It's a valid question—and there could be a lot of answers—like, maybe I'm training to become a male cat model for cat food commercials.  Sure, I might not be attractive enough for human consumption, but—I think I have what it takes to really dominate the cat market in food commercials. I'm gonna have the physique (working on it). I mean, come on. Look at this pushup regimen:

Monday - Lots of pushups

Tuesday - Lots of pushups

Wednesday - even more pushups


I hate the taste of cat food, but I'll get used to it.

Glue some whiskers on my face and I'll curl up on your lap.


- Mike



Believe it or not, this picture has plenty of context.  

I'd go so far as to say that the contents of its context either completely disinterest you or you would be off-base in your assumptions, so I'll save you the mental abstraction exercise.

I did it for the beard.

That's right. 

But not in the way you think.

Let's call this picture "Mike Vitale Versus the Tuna Sandwich".

Does that help?  Probably not.

I was mid-bite... and it was a delicious tuna sandwich from Whole Foods on a cibatta—cohabit, chibatta... Seriously?—Ciabatta roll (fuck you auto correct—I win, this time—why is ciabatta such a weird word to spell—okay, fuck you Italians), but that's not the point.

Do you give up?

I was using my cell phone as a mirror to make sure I wasn't storing leftovers in my facial hair.

Win/Win for everyone but the Tuna Fish.  

Hi from Laguna Beach, CA.  We had a lot of fun playing at The Cliff last night.  

New Single NO VACANCY on Tuesday July 31st 2018

Artwork by Joshua Jon Day and Mike Vitale

Artwork by Joshua Jon Day and Mike Vitale

I'd say I'm dropping new music—but it's more like a drip—from a broken water faucet. 

I'm releasing a new full band single called NO VACANCY on Tuesday July 31st 2018.  It will be available for streaming as well as digital purchase that day on all your favorite music streaming haunts: Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon, Google Play, Youtube, Soundcloud, iHeartRadio, etc.  AND if you are a really amazing person who still buys music (bless your heart) you will be able to purchase it as well on iTunes, Bandcamp, Google Play, Amazon, and every other digital retail location that is known to man.

In all honesty, this is one of my favorite songs that I have written and produced with friends.  It turned out really lovely and I am so very thankful to have had such a wonderful cast of musicians who helped to flesh out the arrangement:  Frank Reina on drums, Brad Cummings on bass, Scott Dibble on rhodes piano, and Tom Bremer on electric guitar.  A song is only as good as the people you have playing on it and I am very fortunate to be surrounded by all these beasts of badassery.

The song was mixed by Ryan Lipman and mastered by Mark Chalecki.  Thank you guys for making this sound so beautiful and pristine.  I am in awe of your talent.

Artwork was done by myself and my friend Joshua Jon Day.  I took the photograph and he helped me fashion a fabulous album cover out of it.  I really find these old neon signs to be so beautiful.

I make no allusions of being a phenom when it comes to new releases.  I cross my fingers that songs will connect with people and they will share.  This song is no exception.  However, I do try to do my part to find avenues of exposure for songs such as this.  Spotify recently started a submission process for playlists on unreleased songs, and I submitted this tune for their consideration.  Keep your fingers crossed that the curators find something to like in this song and select it for many a playlist.

Most importantly, thank you to everyone on Patreon who helps me to release this new material.  I mean this with all my heart:  I can't do it without you (I tried).  This is working: what we are dong together.  I am more prolific as an artist than I have been in years because of your financial help.  I want to take a second to thank all of these individuals especially for their continued contributions and help:  Erik Gomez, Amy Armitage, Heather Renz, Brandi, Bob Emerson, Joshua Jon Day, Carey Brown, and Tim Grobaty.

My deep and sincere gratitude for letting me do what I love to do: make music and play it.

Record Store Day Performance - Youtube

Here is a live video of me performing my song TIME MACHINE in Long Beach, CA.  This was an In-Store performance on Record Store Day, April 21st 2018, at Dyzzy on Vinyl.

If you dig it, please help me share the video!  Thanks to our very own Megan from here on Patreon, for capturing the footage and sharing it!  

If you dig this, you can find more by visiting my Youtube Channel here:  http://youtube.com/mikevitalemusic

Mike Vitale and Tom Bremer play guitar and sing—at the same time! (in Long Beach)

Mike Vitale 8659.JPG

TODAY (Wed June 20th 2018), before our circus act later in the evening—the one where we put my head in the mouth of a live tiger—Tom and I will attempt the impossible: "to sing and play guitar together, at the same time, while broadcasting on Periscope, at a Holiday Inn, in Long Beach, in the penthouse restaurant THE VUE, while reading a 1980's issue of Penthouse magazine." All of this will be performed in front of a live audience, who does not care. Come. Drink. Don't care with us, together. Because, people who don't care, together, really don't give a shit, together—with a GREAT view of Long Beach.

Here is an event invite. Don't look at it though. Okay, you can look at it:  https://www.facebook.com/events/593984740986747/

We'll be playing songs from my new album EMPTY CIRCLE. Here are links to various streamlining services and digital distribution outlets to get your feet muddy with Mike and Tom. Make sure take off your shoes before you come in the hou... damn you. Look what you just did to the carpet??!


The Nerve (Live at The Mint) - Mike Vitale and The Chemicals

Guess what?! We played a release show last week for my new single “Gone” at The Mint in Los Angeles. It was a fun night! Not everyone could make it out, so our very own Megan from here on Patreon, took some really awesome footage, that I will be sharing over the coming weeks. This is the first of many—it was also the first song of the night. It’s called The Nerve. It’s a tune about my feelings. Please know, I am so very appreciative of everything that y’all do. Taking the time to record footage like this, and sharing it, means more to me than I can properly express in words. You’re propagating the things I am writing and making—and also affording me the opportunity to use $5 words like, propagate. My deepest gratitude. Now, excuse me while I watch my laundary. Someone took my clothes out of the drier earlier and used my quarters to dry their clothes, because they are cunning creatures full of creative ways to use other people’s quarters.

Mike Vitale - Professional Selfie Taker For Hire


As you can see, I’m a professional selfie-taker.  I’m an expert at making myself look like a moron.  Exhibit A.  Now, I know what you’re thinking, and the answer is yes, I WILL take your selfies for you too—for a nominal charge.  Music is... fine, but I need to diversify my efforts, and I’m doing that by starting with what I’m good at: taking selfies.  Oh, totally off subject, I’m playing a show tonight with Marcus Von Rittberg, Laure Z, and Benji Has at The Mint in Los Angeles.  You can grab tickets here:


But let’s not focus on that; let’s focus on me taking your selfies, for a nominal fee.  Bring your mom tonight to The Mint.  I’ll take a selfie of her too.

Lowering My Expectations

What is happiness?

It's a complicated question if you think about it.  We've all thought about it at one time or another.

Ironically, the times we think the least on it, are probably when we're the happiest?  But then again, I don't know—the older I get, the more I realize I don't know anything.  I'm just throwing spaghetti at the wall like everyone else around me.

However, I have caught myself expecting way too much, too often.

Simple things.  Like, if I buy expensive things such as Air Conditioners, Sub Woofers, Guitar Pedals—can they not break?  It ridiculous to think that they won't.  Of course they are going to break, and they are going to do it when I am hurting for money and can not afford to replace them.

It almost becomes a mental focus exercise regarding what to pay more attention to: the things that make one sad, or the things that make one happy.  The seemingly level-headed person will immediately say something full of wisdom like, "focus on the positives rather than focus on the negatives."  I say, most likely, that the person who says that cries alone in their bedroom, or in their car, from time to time too.

No.  Maybe I need to lower my expectations.

I released a new single called GONE on June 12th.  I have sold two copies of it digitally.  It's two more than I was expecting to sell.  The song has been streamed on Spotify 15 times.  That is 15 more times than what I was expecting.  

This is a start.  I'll keep you posted.  Or, then again, maybe I won't, so that it isn't on the forefront of my mind.  

Whatever the case may be, I am making and releasing more stuff.  I'm 39 years old and I have no plans to stop making music or to stop trying to find people that like what I make.  You can count on that.

I'm happiest when I'm working hard, regardless of my expectations—and I am so grateful and thankful for my good health and to have you.  Deeply and truly.  Now, off to promote for a show tonight.  Take care. 

GONE now available on Spotify, Apple Music, and all Digital Retails Locations

Today is the big day!  I have been working on releasing new music, that I produced myself, with the help of some very talented musician friends:  Frank Reina, Brad Cummings, Tom Bremer, and Anthony Castiglia.  Much of the audio was captured by either myself or Frank Reina.  The mix was done by Ryan Lipman and the mastering was handled by Mark Chalecki. Artwork is by Alper Yesiltas.

In all honesty, it has taken way too long to release this music.  On the flip side, I'm not exactly rolling in the dough, either.  Thanks to my friends on PATREON and to saving up their contributions, I was able to release this tune as well as prepare several more that I will hopefully be releasing in rapid succession (once a month) over the course of this year.  This is the first on many.

Here is a link to find several of the places where you can either purchase or stream this song:

We will be celebrating the release of this song on THURSDAY JUNE 14th at THE MINT in Los Angeles.  The show starts at 9:30PM.  My friend Marcus Von Rittberg will be performing a set at 9:30pm and I will be playing a set with Frank Reina on drums, Tom Bremer on electric guitar, and Paul Jones on bass at 10:30pm.  Tickets are available in advance for $10 here:  

June 14th 2018 - The Mint 6010 W. Pico Blvd. Los Angeles, CA.  Music starts at 9:30PM.

Thank you to everyone for their kindness, love, and support.  I am deeply appreciative of the positive vibes and energy.

- Mike


I am playing a solo acoustic show celebrating the release of my new full length acoustic duo album entitled EMPTY CIRCLE

This is the third year in a row that I have played this particular backyard, and let me tell you: it's a good time and I would be honored to have you there.  Yes you.  You reading this. Here is the skinny:



Saturday June 2nd 2018


305 Nieto Ave. Long Beach, CA

$10 suggested donation.  Music starts at 5pm.

All ages welcome and you will be surrounded by wonderful people there who are kind and polite and have a great sense of humor, so please do not feel as if you would not be welcome.  You will be, with open arms.  Trust me on that.

Here is a write up that the Long Beach Independent did to advertise for the show June 2nd 2018:


If you are interested in checking out the new acoustic album, it is available for purchase and streaming at these fine online locations:

Psst. I have a secret for you.

Cover art by Alper Yesiltas

Cover art by Alper Yesiltas

I just released a full band single for a song called GONE.  It's with the band behind me.  It's not officially being released until Tuesday June 12th 2018 , but since you are here, and you're reading this with those beautiful eyes of yours, I thought I would share it in advance with you.  It is only available in this one place and you can stream it and purchase it here, until it is officially released in the broader digital distribution market places on June 12th (iTunes, Apple Music, Spotify, etc.).  Check it out now, funk soul brother.  Right about now (click the image if you want a direct link there—yeah, that's right "I'll take you there."

Long Beach Independent

I recently had the opportunity get some press for my new  acousitc album EMPTY CIRCLE by the Long Beach Independent.  Here is a link to checkout the article below.  Thank you kindly to Jewell for the interview!


The Jungle - Single

Make no mistake.  From here on out, this year, there will be a rapid succession of music releases.  This is for the month of May.  This is something that was originally released as a The Hawkline Monster song, before I decided to make my own life difficult and go back to using the name my parents gave me (Mike Vitale—what a douche).

With that being said, this song, as of May 26th 2018, has been added to all digital streaming and digital retail services under my own name: Mike Vitale.

I am very proud of this song.

It is a song I wrote about us. It’s about people. It’s about how we behave like complete animals, yet, want to have some sort of unique distinction above them, as if we are not one ourselves. 

Given our penchant for war and destruction, as a species, I find this to be a pertinent topic that should be discussed, even if within the confines of a song. My desire is that the more we are aware of our instinctual animal behavior and our emotional base reactions, such as aggression and fear, the more we might move beyond our reptilian brain, or what Arthur Koestler referred to as the ghost in the machine. This song features my friends Frank Reina on drums, Cory Clark on electric guitar, Brad Cummings on bass, Jesse Nason on synth, and myself on vocals, acoustic guitar and electric guitar. It was mixed by Barrett Slagle and mastered by Pete Lyman.

Here are a few digital streaming links that you can use to listen to this song:



Apple Music:



Here are places where the song can be purchased:





Google Play


Amazon MP3


It exists on everything known to man for streaming services and digital purchase sites, so just let me know what you want a link to, and I'll send it to you.

I have another single that is literally about a week away from being released.  It is a full band version of the song "Gone."

No joke people.  2018 is going to be all about me playing a lot of shows and releasing a lot of music.

What I would love for you to do is to help me spread the word about these songs.  Word of mouth is king.  Please talk about them to people so that they do not die a slow death of ones and zeros on the world wide web, in obscurity.

Mike Vitale is now on Periscope

Have you ever thought, self, if I were to have a window into Mike Vitale's living room so that I can listen to him whine into a microphone for hours on end—what might that look/sound like?  Well, look no further.  I joined Periscope It's actually quite a bit of fun!  I've been making friends on there and finding lots and lots of people who genuinely enjoy the music I write.  You can join us there online.  I have been live streaming many of the shows that I play AND I have also been broadcasting from my living room.  Come join us!

If you have a twitter account or a Facebook account, it is very easy to join (it literally took me 5 seconds to join VIA twitter).

Here is my Twitter handle:  


AND here is my Periscope handle (you can also click that image above and it will take you to my periscope page to follow me:


Once you have an account setup through your twitter or Facebook, you can setup push notifications to let you know when I am live streaming music directly to your phone.  

See you there!

- Mike

EMPTY CIRCLE is now available on Spotify

My sense of humor had been cryogenically frozen along with Walt Disney's head.  THE GOOD NEWS: It just thawed out and it's building a theme park, being crowd sourced by Spotify royalties.  Think a cross between Dollywood and Disneyland.  Help us name the theme park in the comments below.

To open directly in Spotify App:


To use a browser to open the link:


Thank you for listening!  

EMPTY CIRCLE is now available on Apple Music

Empty Circle by Mike Vitale (that's me!), is now available for digital streaming on Apple Music.  If you are an Apple Music user, go ahead and click here to give it a listen:



If you're not an Apple Music, go ahead and click it anyway.  I have no idea what will happen.  Let's find out!