Want and the Stories of Mike and Julie | My Neighbors
On an economic level, I share more in common with an individual who is homeless than I do with that of a person who is upper middle class or upper class.
I am a professional musician trying to make a living on the music I write. I am lower class.
The first song I ever wrote was about a young girl in Visalia who tried to commit suicide off of the side of a highway overpass, into oncoming traffic on the 198 freeway. She survived. I only showed this song to one friend: Elizabeth Rosenberg. I was around 20 years old at the time.
This song above, is so many years far removed from that first song. I am going to be 46 years old in April.
This song is not just about homelessness; it is about recognizing the value of each other. It is about recognizing that which makes us similar, instead of focusing on that which makes us different.
I talk to people. Sometimes it's on my own time. Sometimes it's on theirs. I had four or five people call me on the phone the other day and I talked to everyone, and showed my love by listening and being engaged, being present, and enjoying their company for as long as I could, before needing to get back to work.
This includes friends I have made who are homeless.
Rather than share the lyrics of this song, I will share their stories as best as I know.
I met Mike when I first moved to Eagle Rock in Los Angeles. Mike has been homeless for approximately 40 years. He grew up in Chicago. Sometimes, I would bring a cup of coffee from my house to him, and we would sit and talk about his life. He left Chicago in his late teens out of fear. He said he witnessed something that he shouldn't have, and left Chicago because there was a person trying to eliminate him as a witness.
I listened. His story—it's hard to know whether there is reality to it or not. What I could do though, is ask him if he had family in Chicago who would take his call. He said yes. I asked if he knew their number. He said yes. So, I offered him my phone, and encouraged him to reach out. I also said, that whoever wanted him dead, has long forgotten about him and that his family would most certainly be happy to hear his voice. He refused.
One day as I was passing by, he said hi to me, and said, "hey you're a musician right?" I said yes. He told me that he always wanted to learn guitar. I told him, that I would be happy to gift him a guitar and teach him how to play. All that he needed to do was to show up at 11am in front of the mini mart by my house, and I would bring materials to teach him. He didn't show up and that's okay.
One day I passed by him in front of that same mini mart, and he was excited to be the recipient of 12 brand new pairs of socks. He asked if I needed any socks, and offered me a few pair of socks. I told him that I have plenty of socks, and that I would feel better about it, if he kept them and used them for himself.
I haven't seen Mike in a few years, but I love him.
I don't know Julie nearly as well. She has her good days, and she has her bad days. She is schizophrenic. She has not told me that, but I am fairly certain this is the case.
She often speaks to people I can not see, but not always consistently. Sometimes she is more lucid than on other occasions.
She screams in terror at 4am in the morning at invisible entities that I do not see. However, she is terrified of them. Genuinely terrified. I will hear her banging on road signs, screaming for these entities to leave her alone. Begging them at times. Ordering them on other occasions, with words of authority and conviction and profanity.
I have gone out to check on her in the early hours of the morning, to make sure she is okay, when I can hear her pleas and banging to be left alone. It is on those occasions that she has shared with me that one of the entities is covered in blood and repeatedly tries to molest her.
She does not remember my name, and I don't mind. She often does not make eye contact with me. Sometimes she does.
She has upset my neighbors on a few occasions using our shared garden house for the yard to clean her clothes. I found her doing this once, and merely asked that she would approach me beforehand, before using the hose.
I do what I do, because it makes me happy. It is humble work. I have traveled all over the United States sharing my stories and the stories of others, with people, such as yourselves. I have met many of you and connected with many of you, from this pursuit.
I am incapable of fixing the issue of homeless by myself. I need help. I need your help. We elevate each other. That is what we do. That is what we can do. Like anything, it starts at a thought—but manifests to reality by action.
I manifest my life. You do too. It is not our responsibility to judge what is impossible or possible. It is our purpose to pursue what makes us happy and to attempt to elevate each other.
I have spent my lifetime devoting myself to story and song. I know I am good at it. I have watched myself win over entire rooms full of people that did not show up to see me play, and I have done this in rooms all over the country.
This is just a song. It does not change anything, immediately. I hesitate to sell this one. I would prefer for people just to listen, as I have listened to the stories of Mike and Julie, and countless other friends.
It can easily be ignored as well. The choice is yours. It always has been.
It is available to stream on all the streaming services, as of now:
I am a storyteller, songwriter, singer, music producer, traveling musician, Jungian dream analyst, all-around curious fellow (Spiritual, Mathematical Historical, Scientific), Taoist, and much much more, based out of Los Angeles, California. I’m constantly releasing new music, in all sorts of different genres. You can listen to me below, on Spotify: